Welcome to Episode 083!
Mud Stories is a podcast dedicated to bringing you inspiration in your muddiest moments, hope to make it through your mud, and encouragement for you to know, you are not alone.
1. Join our new gathering place: The Mud Stories Gathering, a closed group on Facebook
Today I’m talking with my husband, Thad Watkins, all about his mud–small muddy moments and much harder deeper mud too.
In this episode we talk about:
- Everyday pet peeves, and small daily mud
- Thad’s growing up years in Turlock, CA
- The mud of serving in ministry, or being on a church staff
- Our propensity toward unintentional pride and failure
- The weight and importance of deciding to get married
- How unmet needs and other things can unknowingly set you up to have an affair
- Insight into how to wrestle through, and manage, regret
- Tips for being a friend to someone in crisis or failure
- Ideas for helping our kids through temptation and other hard issues
- The importance of having no secrets in marriage
- And some words of encouragement to those who have a spouse who blogs, podcasts, or does any kind of creative endeavor
After you listen, I’d be SO grateful if you’d take the time to SUBSCRIBE to this podcast over in iTunes on your computer, or on the purple podcast app on your Apple device.
Continue reading MS 083 Thad Watkins: Relationships, Regret, and Redemption at JacqueWatkins.com